Saturday 9 May 2015

Evaluation- Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
 When I started in late September and not knowing a lot about the course, I feel like have learnt a lot about the technology that is being used to produce magazines and also I have learnt a lot about magazines in its self. In the preliminary task I was sure that I was going to try my best when doing it and try even harder when doing my actual course work. This is because when doing my final task on my music magazine I wanted to see how I have developed my skills and knowledge about the magazine industry. I feel that all the hours have paid off as I have learnt a range of skills and understanding about the magazine industry.
 When I have gone back to look at my preliminary task I have shocked at how my skills have developed and how much I have learnt. My school magazine looks plain and boxed but has the conventions of a magazine. When researching magazines I have now understood the conventions of a magazine, how and what it should look like. The colour scheme of my school magazine is yellow mainly which yes in my music magazine it has yellow in it but it only has it in the pug. I thought that the yellow didn't work that well in my school magazine.
It is obvious to me that my sell lines have improved quite a lot as they look and sound more professional As you can see that I have included subsidiary images on my school cover whereas, my music magazine I feel didn't need any as it looked better without, because of my contents page. The front cover of my music cover has reflected on my school magazine as it is actually reflecting a pop artist whereas in my previous task it does look like anything that it is supposed to be. In my cover for my school magazine i didn't include the price, barcode as I feel like it was important whereas, now i know that is one important convention to have on a front cover, I also wasn't aware of these either. I am aware that my music magazine is a lot more professional that my school magazine and which I think I have learnt multiple skill and which I have used to a high standard.
 When doing the contents page I felt as if it was the most difficult as I left this one too late and should of done more research than I actually did. when putting my content page together I found that it took me a lot of time to do and what to think about, I made sure that I included my essentials. The images for m contents page I feel were not to a high standard and that I could have had more than 2 pictures in this. I feel that isn't enough different kind of pictures on my contents page.
 When doing my preliminary task I didn't make a article but I feel like after I have done some research I have made progress. The language that I have used I feel as if it connects with my target audience and because the language is informal it is more likely to get readers from my target audience. I feel that it was a good idea to produce the preliminary task as it give me an insight into what was going to happen. It also helped me get used to InDesign.

Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation- Question 2
How does the media product represent a particular social group?
When going in this subject and finding out what I will be doing, I went away to start research about music and what kind of music magazines there were. This would of then helped me find out what kind of images that I was going to do. I wanted my magazine to appeal an pop/rock but more pop with the latest people. So by doing this I have to include  that social group that this implies to which my target audience appeals to 15 and on wards.
 When researching for my magazine I went with Q and found a cover with Adele on it which inspired me to do a pop magazine.  I also thought of the name 'Ellie' as its a artist around the same age and its not off putting for the reader. This image is more pop, I do like the ways which she is played on the the page of the magazine. I like the fact that she is not showing all of her body and where hands are and the fact that she has all her face showing and it close up which suggests that seems uncomfortable and slightly unsure. When researching more into it I found that this picture I wanted to put this into my cover. For the people who are in the pop social group, they have their own body language and this could help make sure that 'Ellie' has her own identity.
 I decided that I would use that image but I would make the picture zoomed out to show that I am thinking about what I wanted as well as using examples too. This is to recreate a picture from the 'real' magazines. Ellie is wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans, Adele doesn't wear a lot of make up so for that reason I thought that Ellie shouldn't, I did this to show that she likes to 'normal' and that she has beauty and still looks good when she isn't wearing make up and they like for who she is and she doesn't have to be fake. Although Adele isn't wearing any jewellery I thought that it was a good idea because the camera shot I have used is a medium close up, I thought that if I didn't then it would look bare and unattractive. The mise-en-scene features of Ellie have shown what a pop star looks like and this would attract the social group to purchase the magazine, this is because they will like what she is wearing and will also think that if people are wearing it then they must buy it too. The colour scheme that I have used is mainly red, black, grey and some yellow. This mainly because the magazines that I have researched have had these colours and they are the colours that actually go with each other.

The images in my content page show that their are different types of pop artist, artist who like to put make up on and dress to a high standard and then others such as Ellie who like to be comfortable and not wear much make up and love them sleeves for who they are. This shows that every though they are in the same industry the artists aren't the same and that there other people out there are different and that they don't think that is one type of pop artist. To understand that there are different types of pop artists I have decided to focus on real artists and adapt to them with my magazine. One example is that on my contents page there is another woman on it and I saw Jess Gylnne standing high and tall and professionally and so I wanted to include this in my magazine. I made sure that I used up to date technology to show that it is for the age of 15 and onwards. The masthead Sound! suggests that it is more up to date. I made a Facebook and Twitter page I also made a web page for my magazine. which will benefit the technophiles which I am going to target because they are more up to date with technology they are more likely to go on the internet with all the new technology. As there are more people going on to the internet I made my editors letter more child like and better if they wanted to read it on the internet because they are making 'fan clubs'. I made the language more informal because of the age the magazine is aimed at. As you can see the other image on my content page shows that she is dress up to show her self off with a yellow dress and heals to show that it isn't just about the music its also about fashion and looking nice, I can see that from the previous research that I have done I can see that what most artist like to make shore that they are dressed up to look nice as well as just being good at singing. this shows that people can take inspiration from their music artists.
 The information that I have used in my article would only apply to pop artists and the audience its aimed towards is because it includes what they want. My article is about how Ellie got back on the road again after taking a break and not being in camera (centre of attention) and how its changed her life. this could be linked in with other people living also not so much the fact of being famous but the fact of having so attention and then having non and what the effect it had on other people. Throughout my magazine I feel that I have represented the social group that attract people to my magazine in a accurate way. I feel this way because of the research that I have done throughout the task.

Evaluation- Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
One of the biggest publishing groups in Europe is Bauer which have 80 brands serving 19,000,000 people. I would want my magazine to be involved with this because its the biggest publishing groups. They have audiences with 4 out of 10 people who experience their products. One thing that they have on their web page is " our business is built on millions of personal relationships with engaged audiences" with the success of this they have helps the product grow. this could mean that if I wanted to I could be supported by the company if they understand the magazine industry completely. As Bauer can offer different platforms such as radio stations and television channels which will then make each platform recognizable because Sound! is multi-plat formed brand which indeed I would need it to be successful.

Although IPC media is available I would feel that Bauer would help me get my media product to its best, and to attract new audiences to a fan base. The brands that are already published Q, Mojo magazines I think that there are potentials for a pop magazine for the younger generations.
 The biggest distributor in the UK is Frontline which sells and distributes over 160 magazine titles including the 54 of the 100 selling titles in the UK. They publish magazines Mojo and Q, this implies that Frontline is successful. So for that reason I would want this company to distribute my magazine  and it would be the best decision because they are working with highest magazine for the UK. Frontline tries to help to raise money for good causes. If my magazine was to be involved with this company then it would be involved with bigger audience.
Evaluation- Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When making my magazine pages, I came a cross a lot of different pieces of software that I have never used before from starting year 12. I had used some of the software's when doing my school magazine task. However, I didn't use them to a full extent to what I have in my music magazine. The first piece of software that I have used is blogger.

  When starting this course in September I had never used Blogger before and I didn't know what it was and how o use it. this device is a way to track my work and hope to meet all of my deadlines. Blogger is very easy to use when you know the basics of using it. the structure of the website is very clean and easy to use. one really useful things that blogger has got is that you can download it to your mobile phone which I did. this made it easier for me as I could do work as well as being on the go. the display of blogger is very useful and I have enjoyed to display my work on here this is because of the strutted layouts which easy to find when needed to.
  The next to devices that I have used are Photoshop and firework I found that these two particular devices hard to use. the first one that I tried to use was photo shop this one in particular was extremely hard to use. I think that it was a compaction of the device it self  and the where I had chosen to take the picture and the backgrounds of those pictures. the other reason why I found both of the devices hard to use was there wee so many ways I could of edited the picture. then I chose to go with firework to see that would help me, I found this one a little difficult but after I got the hang of it I made progress. I then removed all the backgrounds that I needed to and bean to put the pictures in place, when removing the background I find that I used other tools within the programme. when I removed the background on the images I made sure that I removed enough just in case I had changed my mind about what picture I would use for each page. I feel more confidant with both of the programmes and that it was a good experience and I feel like I have learnt new skills which I can then take further if wanted.
 The most popular program that I have used is Adobe InDesign throughout making both of my magazines. I had used this programme when doing my preliminary task. At first I found this one hard to use because I got confused with the layers and I dint understand what they meant but then I took a step back and realised to just take it slow and that I would get the hang of it which indeed I did and then I realised it was that hard to do. I then I got on with the work and I had made sure that everything ok. Once I had finished my school magazine I was able to do my task on my music magazine. when doing my contents page, article, and front cover I spent hours making I didn't forget anything and that everything was on there which needed to be.
 One way which I like to display my work is by making a Prezi, this is an online application, this application is another way to present a PowerPoint presentation. I am very aware how to use this device as I have used it for many years with other subjects I have taken and I have used it throughout the year. when you have finished with the PowerPoint I then have to upload it to Slideshare, this is to then to be put onto my blog. when transferring the PowerPoint to slideshare things would change so then I would have to go back and change them. I don't think there were mayor problems with this device but there were some issues. I had never used prezi before I started media studies but I thought that it was fairly easy to use and it didn't take me long before I could use it very well. one of the main things I like to use it for it was easy and straight forward.
 The most obvious device would be the camera I used and the computer that I used. to take my images I used a canon camera, I used a good quality camera to get the picture to be at a high standard. when taking my picture I learnt a lot this is because I had to think about the lighting, the angle, the distance and the mise-en-scene features. I used the schools camera as my camera wasn't as good and I wanted to get the best most possible images as I could. I found that I had rush to take them that's only because I wanted to plan them. I found that all of my pictures were successful. the laptop that I used had to have all the software that I need to construct my magazine. I had to have the internet available to complete the task. without the laptop with the software on it I would of never been able to complete the task. I used the internet to contain research and to use online publications. I have found that when using the laptop it has been easy to use and it has been vital to be able to use them easily. When making my magazine I have come across new technology and old and with the new technology I hope to use it in the future with other things that I will be doing in the up coming year.

Tuesday 17 February 2015

My first draft for my article.

Ellie has now released her new tour dates for ‘new life’ check them out at Now! As most of you fans of Ellie, she had taken a break form the music industry. We have invited Ellie to have an interview with us so that we can understand why she has decided to come jumping back in the music industry and why she left for so long. So to keep you up-to date with her exciting up coming events we have put together a number of questions to ask her.


Ellie, why did you take that break from the music industry?

I took that break from the music industry because I thought it would give me time to realise what I wanted to achieve in my life. I also feel like I am a young artist who could be going to university or could be getting a job. I just felt like I needed closure to whom I wanted to be and to become. I have realised that not just from family and friends but fans too that I can't see myself being anyone else and I have I have to grab whatever opportunities come my way to make my life and other people's lives better.


Why do you love music so much?

I love music for a number of reasons. Music, I feel gives me the sense of freedom of whatever may be going wrong I. My family or just generally in the world. I feel as if I sing all the bad things are not there anymore even if it's just for a second. Music also gives me comfort, it makes me happy it also puts a smile on my face. I my eyes music is very passionate. I see that makes me help other people who are just like me but don't get heard.


Why have you decided to do another tour?

I have decided to get myself back to where I was that by doing another tour would show people that I back for good. I have also decided to do another tour because I am changing my music slightly and to do this I need as much support as I did before. I also really want my fans to be proud of my decision that I have made.


Are you saying that the music affects your fame?

Well it's kinda half and half because I choose to become a singer so really I can't blame the fame really. Don't get me wrong I love music and I love performing but there comes a point when you wish that you weren't famous because you just want to be able to walk don't the street without been known. I know this sound selfish but it's the truth. I mean the music does affect my fame for good reasons too such as it encourages people to get involved and sing and I like to think that my music provides this.

With having your new tour and your new album out, we ask every artist what is your favourite song and why?

If I had to decide I would choose stay with me which I am having a duet with Sam Smith, this is because I feel like this is sending a message to people out there that are in relationships that aren't going well and they don't know what to do whether to stay or leave them. I find that with my new tour my fans will understand more if they come to see me in concert because there is a hidden message that I can't tell people just yet. Also I feel as there is a lot of competition where as from where I am standing I see none because I love making music because it's what I do best. I think I have chosen this song because I hope its inspirational and I just love working on this particular song

Out of the whole music industry who would you see your self becoming and why?

This one is a hard one because I see everyone as equal and different and I also feel like everyone has a different sense of music and I know that there are different genres of music, pop ect but what I am saying is I can't put a name because everyone different. I don't think I would be able to say anyway because I can never make decisions myself. I think the only people that could really answer this question is the public because it's for the public eye.

Monday 16 February 2015

This was a tester to see if it would work as I used my phone because I downloaded word

My first draft for my article.

Ellie has now released her new tour dates for ‘new life’ check them out at Now! As most of you fans of Ellie, she had taken a break form the music industry. We have invited Ellie to have an interview with us so that we can understand why she has decided to come jumping back in the music industry and why she left for so long. So to keep you up-to date with her exciting up coming events we have put together a number of questions to ask her.


Ellie, why did you take that break from the music industry?

I took that break from the music industry because I thought it would give me time to realise what I wanted to achieve in my life. I also feel like I am a young artist who could be going to university or could be getting a job. I just felt like I needed closure to whom I wanted to be and to become. I have realised that not just from family and friends but fans too that I can't see myself being anyone else and I have I have to grab whatever opportunities come my way to make my life and other people's lives better.


Why do you love music so much?

I love music for a number of reasons. Music, I feel gives me the sense of freedom of whatever may be going wrong I. My family or just generally in the world. I feel as if I sing all the bad things are not there anymore even if it's just for a second. Music also gives me comfort, it makes me happy it also puts a smile on my face. I my eyes music is very passionate. I see that makes me help other people who are just like me but don't get heard.

Monday 9 February 2015

An example of my questionnaire

This is an example of one of my questionnaires and its one that been fillled out to show evidence of my work. I then took these questionnaires and made pie charts to show my results. 

Thursday 5 February 2015

Front cover layout

This is my main image for my music magazine. My main image I have chosen to do is a female artist, this is because my target audience is for the female gender and the age range I will be trying to reach is the teens who are interested in female artists. My main image is more to the right of the page than the left and it takes up most of the space on the page. My splash ' Ellie back on the road again?'   I have chosen this because this will catch the readers eye and then they'll want to read that article then they are more likely to purchase that magazine as it looks appealing and worth the money. 
'Sound' is going to be my masthead of my music magazine I have chosen this masthead because I feel it was the most appropriate and it suited my magazine cover the best. As you can see on my questionnaire 'Sound' wasn't a choice that is because I was going to use 'Sow!nd' I did like the idea of this masthead and as you can see from the questionnaire results that it was the most popular masthead but I felt like it was misleading because it looks like two separate words 'sow!' Is a female pig and my music magazine isn't anything to do with pigs! With my masthead I wanted to make sure that it wasn't misleading and I didn't want to draw the readers attention to any negative points about my magazine. 
This is my barcode for my magazine, I have chosen to put it on the right hand side of my magazine cover as it wasn't only filling up any dead space I had I also wanted it to be on the right hand side because I felt like it was more appropriate to be on that side. I have also put the price of the magazine right on top of the barcode because I did some research and that is where most of the prices are on any type of magazine. 

The picture above is a picture of my pug, I have chosen to have in my pug 'FREE POSTER inside today's magazine' I have chosen this because I wanted to draw attention to my readers and I also did it because most readers will be paying for a magazine that they may throw out so I want to give them something for value of the magazine which they may keep. I also think with my pug that because it is bold it is going to be one of the first things that they will notice. 
The sell lines that I have chosen are the one that will appeal to my readers which are bands or artists such as 'The Vamps, Sam Smith and James Bay'. I have also included lifestyle and other British songs. I have chosen to this and include this because it bold and clear. I have also separated the with black and red lines to show that my work is organised and clear and that my readers are able to see that you can see that the different topics there are. 
The last picture is the banner line, I have chosen this because as I have said I want to draw the attention to the readers and by saying that it is 'THE UKS BEST SELLER' its implying that you can't get any better than that. I have also chosen to have this in a clear background and have black text as it understanding and not confusing. I have also put the issue number underneath the banner line so the readers know if they have the right issue. 

Thursday 8 January 2015

Audience Profile

Generation: my music magazine will be for the younger generation ranging from 16-24 years old. My main target audience is females other than males. As my music magazine is for the younger people they are mainly students and people in university, some people may have part time jobs though as well as being in education.
My audience interests: my readers are interested in recent music, fashion, films which means they like going to the cinema. they like new fashion and like going shopping on regular basis to shops like river island. As my readers are younger they are more likely to spend money on singles as technology id more advanced and don't really tend to buy CDs now. so artists that people are currently listening to is the ones who are in the top 40 which is Taylor Swift, Sam Smith, Olly Murs, and Jessie J. As I found out that mainly females are going to read my magazine, they are interested in fashion, make-up I will be including advertisement.