Saturday 9 May 2015

Evaluation- Question 7
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
 When I started in late September and not knowing a lot about the course, I feel like have learnt a lot about the technology that is being used to produce magazines and also I have learnt a lot about magazines in its self. In the preliminary task I was sure that I was going to try my best when doing it and try even harder when doing my actual course work. This is because when doing my final task on my music magazine I wanted to see how I have developed my skills and knowledge about the magazine industry. I feel that all the hours have paid off as I have learnt a range of skills and understanding about the magazine industry.
 When I have gone back to look at my preliminary task I have shocked at how my skills have developed and how much I have learnt. My school magazine looks plain and boxed but has the conventions of a magazine. When researching magazines I have now understood the conventions of a magazine, how and what it should look like. The colour scheme of my school magazine is yellow mainly which yes in my music magazine it has yellow in it but it only has it in the pug. I thought that the yellow didn't work that well in my school magazine.
It is obvious to me that my sell lines have improved quite a lot as they look and sound more professional As you can see that I have included subsidiary images on my school cover whereas, my music magazine I feel didn't need any as it looked better without, because of my contents page. The front cover of my music cover has reflected on my school magazine as it is actually reflecting a pop artist whereas in my previous task it does look like anything that it is supposed to be. In my cover for my school magazine i didn't include the price, barcode as I feel like it was important whereas, now i know that is one important convention to have on a front cover, I also wasn't aware of these either. I am aware that my music magazine is a lot more professional that my school magazine and which I think I have learnt multiple skill and which I have used to a high standard.
 When doing the contents page I felt as if it was the most difficult as I left this one too late and should of done more research than I actually did. when putting my content page together I found that it took me a lot of time to do and what to think about, I made sure that I included my essentials. The images for m contents page I feel were not to a high standard and that I could have had more than 2 pictures in this. I feel that isn't enough different kind of pictures on my contents page.
 When doing my preliminary task I didn't make a article but I feel like after I have done some research I have made progress. The language that I have used I feel as if it connects with my target audience and because the language is informal it is more likely to get readers from my target audience. I feel that it was a good idea to produce the preliminary task as it give me an insight into what was going to happen. It also helped me get used to InDesign.

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