Tuesday 17 February 2015

My first draft for my article.

Ellie has now released her new tour dates for ‘new life’ check them out at http://www.ticketmaster.com/ Now! As most of you fans of Ellie, she had taken a break form the music industry. We have invited Ellie to have an interview with us so that we can understand why she has decided to come jumping back in the music industry and why she left for so long. So to keep you up-to date with her exciting up coming events we have put together a number of questions to ask her.


Ellie, why did you take that break from the music industry?

I took that break from the music industry because I thought it would give me time to realise what I wanted to achieve in my life. I also feel like I am a young artist who could be going to university or could be getting a job. I just felt like I needed closure to whom I wanted to be and to become. I have realised that not just from family and friends but fans too that I can't see myself being anyone else and I have I have to grab whatever opportunities come my way to make my life and other people's lives better.


Why do you love music so much?

I love music for a number of reasons. Music, I feel gives me the sense of freedom of whatever may be going wrong I. My family or just generally in the world. I feel as if I sing all the bad things are not there anymore even if it's just for a second. Music also gives me comfort, it makes me happy it also puts a smile on my face. I my eyes music is very passionate. I see that makes me help other people who are just like me but don't get heard.


Why have you decided to do another tour?

I have decided to get myself back to where I was that by doing another tour would show people that I back for good. I have also decided to do another tour because I am changing my music slightly and to do this I need as much support as I did before. I also really want my fans to be proud of my decision that I have made.


Are you saying that the music affects your fame?

Well it's kinda half and half because I choose to become a singer so really I can't blame the fame really. Don't get me wrong I love music and I love performing but there comes a point when you wish that you weren't famous because you just want to be able to walk don't the street without been known. I know this sound selfish but it's the truth. I mean the music does affect my fame for good reasons too such as it encourages people to get involved and sing and I like to think that my music provides this.

With having your new tour and your new album out, we ask every artist what is your favourite song and why?

If I had to decide I would choose stay with me which I am having a duet with Sam Smith, this is because I feel like this is sending a message to people out there that are in relationships that aren't going well and they don't know what to do whether to stay or leave them. I find that with my new tour my fans will understand more if they come to see me in concert because there is a hidden message that I can't tell people just yet. Also I feel as there is a lot of competition where as from where I am standing I see none because I love making music because it's what I do best. I think I have chosen this song because I hope its inspirational and I just love working on this particular song

Out of the whole music industry who would you see your self becoming and why?

This one is a hard one because I see everyone as equal and different and I also feel like everyone has a different sense of music and I know that there are different genres of music, pop ect but what I am saying is I can't put a name because everyone different. I don't think I would be able to say anyway because I can never make decisions myself. I think the only people that could really answer this question is the public because it's for the public eye.

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