Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation- Question 6
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When making my magazine pages, I came a cross a lot of different pieces of software that I have never used before from starting year 12. I had used some of the software's when doing my school magazine task. However, I didn't use them to a full extent to what I have in my music magazine. The first piece of software that I have used is blogger.

  When starting this course in September I had never used Blogger before and I didn't know what it was and how o use it. this device is a way to track my work and hope to meet all of my deadlines. Blogger is very easy to use when you know the basics of using it. the structure of the website is very clean and easy to use. one really useful things that blogger has got is that you can download it to your mobile phone which I did. this made it easier for me as I could do work as well as being on the go. the display of blogger is very useful and I have enjoyed to display my work on here this is because of the strutted layouts which easy to find when needed to.
  The next to devices that I have used are Photoshop and firework I found that these two particular devices hard to use. the first one that I tried to use was photo shop this one in particular was extremely hard to use. I think that it was a compaction of the device it self  and the where I had chosen to take the picture and the backgrounds of those pictures. the other reason why I found both of the devices hard to use was there wee so many ways I could of edited the picture. then I chose to go with firework to see that would help me, I found this one a little difficult but after I got the hang of it I made progress. I then removed all the backgrounds that I needed to and bean to put the pictures in place, when removing the background I find that I used other tools within the programme. when I removed the background on the images I made sure that I removed enough just in case I had changed my mind about what picture I would use for each page. I feel more confidant with both of the programmes and that it was a good experience and I feel like I have learnt new skills which I can then take further if wanted.
 The most popular program that I have used is Adobe InDesign throughout making both of my magazines. I had used this programme when doing my preliminary task. At first I found this one hard to use because I got confused with the layers and I dint understand what they meant but then I took a step back and realised to just take it slow and that I would get the hang of it which indeed I did and then I realised it was that hard to do. I then I got on with the work and I had made sure that everything ok. Once I had finished my school magazine I was able to do my task on my music magazine. when doing my contents page, article, and front cover I spent hours making I didn't forget anything and that everything was on there which needed to be.
 One way which I like to display my work is by making a Prezi, this is an online application, this application is another way to present a PowerPoint presentation. I am very aware how to use this device as I have used it for many years with other subjects I have taken and I have used it throughout the year. when you have finished with the PowerPoint I then have to upload it to Slideshare, this is to then to be put onto my blog. when transferring the PowerPoint to slideshare things would change so then I would have to go back and change them. I don't think there were mayor problems with this device but there were some issues. I had never used prezi before I started media studies but I thought that it was fairly easy to use and it didn't take me long before I could use it very well. one of the main things I like to use it for it was easy and straight forward.
 The most obvious device would be the camera I used and the computer that I used. to take my images I used a canon camera, I used a good quality camera to get the picture to be at a high standard. when taking my picture I learnt a lot this is because I had to think about the lighting, the angle, the distance and the mise-en-scene features. I used the schools camera as my camera wasn't as good and I wanted to get the best most possible images as I could. I found that I had rush to take them that's only because I wanted to plan them. I found that all of my pictures were successful. the laptop that I used had to have all the software that I need to construct my magazine. I had to have the internet available to complete the task. without the laptop with the software on it I would of never been able to complete the task. I used the internet to contain research and to use online publications. I have found that when using the laptop it has been easy to use and it has been vital to be able to use them easily. When making my magazine I have come across new technology and old and with the new technology I hope to use it in the future with other things that I will be doing in the up coming year.

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