Thursday 7 May 2015

Evaluation- Question 2
How does the media product represent a particular social group?
When going in this subject and finding out what I will be doing, I went away to start research about music and what kind of music magazines there were. This would of then helped me find out what kind of images that I was going to do. I wanted my magazine to appeal an pop/rock but more pop with the latest people. So by doing this I have to include  that social group that this implies to which my target audience appeals to 15 and on wards.
 When researching for my magazine I went with Q and found a cover with Adele on it which inspired me to do a pop magazine.  I also thought of the name 'Ellie' as its a artist around the same age and its not off putting for the reader. This image is more pop, I do like the ways which she is played on the the page of the magazine. I like the fact that she is not showing all of her body and where hands are and the fact that she has all her face showing and it close up which suggests that seems uncomfortable and slightly unsure. When researching more into it I found that this picture I wanted to put this into my cover. For the people who are in the pop social group, they have their own body language and this could help make sure that 'Ellie' has her own identity.
 I decided that I would use that image but I would make the picture zoomed out to show that I am thinking about what I wanted as well as using examples too. This is to recreate a picture from the 'real' magazines. Ellie is wearing a grey t-shirt and a pair of jeans, Adele doesn't wear a lot of make up so for that reason I thought that Ellie shouldn't, I did this to show that she likes to 'normal' and that she has beauty and still looks good when she isn't wearing make up and they like for who she is and she doesn't have to be fake. Although Adele isn't wearing any jewellery I thought that it was a good idea because the camera shot I have used is a medium close up, I thought that if I didn't then it would look bare and unattractive. The mise-en-scene features of Ellie have shown what a pop star looks like and this would attract the social group to purchase the magazine, this is because they will like what she is wearing and will also think that if people are wearing it then they must buy it too. The colour scheme that I have used is mainly red, black, grey and some yellow. This mainly because the magazines that I have researched have had these colours and they are the colours that actually go with each other.

The images in my content page show that their are different types of pop artist, artist who like to put make up on and dress to a high standard and then others such as Ellie who like to be comfortable and not wear much make up and love them sleeves for who they are. This shows that every though they are in the same industry the artists aren't the same and that there other people out there are different and that they don't think that is one type of pop artist. To understand that there are different types of pop artists I have decided to focus on real artists and adapt to them with my magazine. One example is that on my contents page there is another woman on it and I saw Jess Gylnne standing high and tall and professionally and so I wanted to include this in my magazine. I made sure that I used up to date technology to show that it is for the age of 15 and onwards. The masthead Sound! suggests that it is more up to date. I made a Facebook and Twitter page I also made a web page for my magazine. which will benefit the technophiles which I am going to target because they are more up to date with technology they are more likely to go on the internet with all the new technology. As there are more people going on to the internet I made my editors letter more child like and better if they wanted to read it on the internet because they are making 'fan clubs'. I made the language more informal because of the age the magazine is aimed at. As you can see the other image on my content page shows that she is dress up to show her self off with a yellow dress and heals to show that it isn't just about the music its also about fashion and looking nice, I can see that from the previous research that I have done I can see that what most artist like to make shore that they are dressed up to look nice as well as just being good at singing. this shows that people can take inspiration from their music artists.
 The information that I have used in my article would only apply to pop artists and the audience its aimed towards is because it includes what they want. My article is about how Ellie got back on the road again after taking a break and not being in camera (centre of attention) and how its changed her life. this could be linked in with other people living also not so much the fact of being famous but the fact of having so attention and then having non and what the effect it had on other people. Throughout my magazine I feel that I have represented the social group that attract people to my magazine in a accurate way. I feel this way because of the research that I have done throughout the task.


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