Tuesday 7 October 2014

Research into schoool magazines.

  • Typography - what style and size fonts are used?why?
  • Layout- is it cluttered or in order? where have key things been placed?
  • Language- What type of language is used?
  • Colour- what effect does colour have? what are the conntation of the colours?

Monday 29 September 2014

School Magazine Design



                                                                                                                                                           This is the main image of my magazine cover. I have chosen to use three students in the image to represent the audience that the magazine is aimed at.
I have used the splash "Winners of the Youth Speaker" to try and interest the reader in the story and to celebrate the success of the school.
The splash is written in a large, red font so that it appeals to the reader.


I have decided to use three subsidiary images on the left hand side of the cover. The first one is a picture of films, I have choosen this because i want students to know what kind of activities are aviliable to them. The second subsidiary image is a picture of  book this is to draw any of the students into reading which then will wider their ability to read. The last subsidiary image id a picture of a hockey stick and ball, this is appear to students who enjoy p.e to show them what kind of activities are running.


This image is my hasthead, i have choosen to have a bulled and bright but meaning full. I have chooen the yellow with the black stripes because of the school colours. I have put the stripes in to represent the tie of the school, this is to show that it is King Henry VIII School.


                                                                                This image is my main image, it is the picture of the head teacher. The reason why i think it should be the main picture is because the school is changing and it is a vaild reason that people should be able to meet and know who their child/children have to support the school. This would also give people a better understanding of the new head as we have made it clear on who it is. I have made the fount bulled and clear, i hvae used the colour green because it's clear and noticeable.

                                                                                This image is my subsidiary images. I have kept with the colour of yellow and black. I have choosen to do this because its consitant and then its more appealing for the reader. I have choosen three differnet kind of activities availvible to get a pupils intresent into something differnet.

This image is a full picture of my first cover that I did, in this cover I have chosen to do the banners at the bottom and the top. I have chosen to do this because it will catch the readers eye and focus on the more important news we have to share. I have stuck with the colours red, orange and green, I have done this to make sure the cover isn't too compact and still catches peoples eyes. The pug I have used is lettering introducing the new drama club.

The banner  have chosen for this particular cover is bold with a black think rim around it this is because it clear, bright because of the green and eye catchy.

 The image of the full page of my cover is my favourite because its simple but clear and gets the message across and its simple to understand. I have done this because I want it to eye catching but formal and related to the school.